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Friday, 16 September 2016
Group Admin
Clifton Shelton

As a result many of our customers have stayed with us for a long time. But having said that we always want to make things easier, convenient and quicker for our customers. To facilitate this transformation, we have made several changes on our website in the last 6 months. We are proud to say that these changes have been really liked by you people and we are overwhelmed by your response. We have not only been able to retain our customers but our customer base has More Instagram Likes grown during this transformation period. We would like to brief you about the changes we have brought about in this transformation. Our delivery time, since our inception, has been quite good. But we wanted to make our services real-time quick. We did not want our customers to wait for long to receive our services after they have posted on their social media page. 

Friday, 16 September 2016
Group Admin
Clifton Shelton
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