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To Shoot or Not to Shoot

Besides making sure you have both boots laced up, gun stocked and ready, camo de-scented, proper knives, safety, and survival equipment there is something else that should be considered before you pull the trigger.  What state are you in and what are the laws if you come up on an animal you weren't expecting to shoot?
Besides making sure you have both boots laced up, gun stocked and ready, camo de-scented, proper knives, safety, and survival equipment there is something else that should be considered before you pull the trigger.  What state are you in and what are the laws if you come up on an animal you weren't expecting to shoot?

During the 2010 hunting season of Ohio, a Massillon deer hunter killed a 225 pound male black bear with a 12-guage shot-gun and a rifled slug.  The hunter claimed that the animal charged him and he shot it in the head in self defense.  The issue comes in when looking at Ohio's wildlife laws which prohibit shooting black bears.  The hunter did all the right things in contacting local wildlife officials including the sheriff.

The statistics show that in 2009-2010 over 119 bear sightings were reported in 21 different Ohio counties throughout the year. Most sightings took place in northeastern and south central Ohio regions.   Hunters should always make themselves aware of the animals typical to an area as well as whether or not they can shoot them.  For example, many states protect wolf populations, so an unprepared hunter needs to know what their rights are.  As a safety measure a canine pepper spray should be added to your travel pack. Visit this Link to read more on the Ohio hunter.

What Do Deer Really See?


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